North Carolina River Basins


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There are17 designated river basins in North Carolina. A river basin can be defined as all of the land surface dissected and drained by many streams and creeks that flow downhill into one another, and eventually into one river. Just as a bathtub catches all the water that falls within its sides, a river basin sends all the water falling on the surrounding land into a central river and ultimately out to the sea. In North Carolina, the five western basins drain to the Gulf of Mexico (Hiwassee, Little Tennessee, French Broad, Watauga and New). The other 12 basins flow to the Atlantic Ocean. Only four basins are contained entirely within the state
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There are17 designated river basins in North Carolina. A river basin can be defined as all of the land surface dissected and drained by many streams and creeks that flow downhill into one another, and eventually into one river. Just as a bathtub catches all the water that falls within its sides, a river basin sends all the water falling on the surrounding land into a central river and ultimately out to the sea. In North Carolina, the five western basins drain to the Gulf of Mexico (Hiwassee, Little Tennessee, French Broad, Watauga and New). The other 12 basins flow to the Atlantic Ocean. Only four basins are contained entirely within the state

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