Ohio River Basins


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The Ohio River Basin is a region of 204,000 square miles covering parts of 14 states and including a population of nearly 25 million people, many in such major cities as Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, and Nashville.  The Consortium involves researchers and educators from throughout this basin, not just those concerned with the mainstem of the Ohio River.  The Ohio River itself flows 981 miles from Pittsburgh to Cairo, Illinois, where it joins with the Mississippi. The navigation in the river and its tributaries relies upon the 19 locks and dams the mainstem of the river.

SKU: da847b78c01e-1-1-1-1-1 Category: Tag:

The Ohio River Basin is a region of 204,000 square miles covering parts of 14 states and including a population of nearly 25 million people, many in such major cities as Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, and Nashville.  The Consortium involves researchers and educators from throughout this basin, not just those concerned with the mainstem of the Ohio River.  The Ohio River itself flows 981 miles from Pittsburgh to Cairo, Illinois, where it joins with the Mississippi. The navigation in the river and its tributaries relies upon the 19 locks and dams the mainstem of the river.

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